«Arctic-Module» — is the pioneer product in the field of fast-assembly construction modules without internal beams or pillars. It’s reliable, easy to operate, portable, can be repeatedly disassembled and relocated, and used with a light foundation or without any. The unique layout of the module allows to use it in the construction of hotels, offices, hospitals, gyms, warehouses, heavy machinery parking, factory frameworks and shift camps. It’s indispensible for use during the short Arctic summer and for frequently relocating sites. The technological advantages of the module make it perfect for Arctic-climate projects. The module uses galvanized metal instead of steel beams.
The insulating packet placed between two architectural membranes is 20 centimeters thick. It contains a waterproof layer which allows to cut down on heating and air conditioning costs. The insulating packet is covered by the internal membrane on the inside, which provides for an additional advantage: the structure does not require any additional decorating throughout the service life of the module.